Marchesa of Val d'Orcia
Iris Origo’s War Diary
It’s almost impossible to imagine a better time to read “A Chill in the Air: An Italian War Diary, 1939–1940,” by Iris Origo, which is being published this week by New York ... ➔
A short biography
Iris Origo (1902–1988) was born in Britain to an aristocrat mother and a wealthy American father. She lived in Italy and devoted much of her life to the improvement of the ... ➔
Once again this year’s oil surpassed expectations
Dear friends and faithful customers, This is a belated report on our recent olive harvest: once again this year’s oil surpassed expectations: if not in terms ... ➔
In her two autobiographical books, Images and Shadows and War in Val d'Orcia.
The wonderful - though sometimes difficult - years at La Foce are vividly described by Iris, an Anglo-American biographer and historian of international fame, ... ➔
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